Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Mage Slayer part 3: Attack of the Giants

 The morning began with tranquility. The rooster crowed in the distance, as Jack stirred at the sound, day had arrived, and it was time to start the work. Leaping out of bed Jack started to his backpack and ran to the barn to take the cattle to pasture. The family had five cows, two old females, two young females and one male calfling. They used to have one bull, which had died the previous year from disease. The younger calfling, was half the size of the other cattle by now, and tried to show his dominance on the other females, but being so small could never make the landing. 

Jack sat at the base of the tree as the cattle grazed reading one of his books about the history of the Fae, which he wondered if Nimue was, based on the description of the fae in the book. 

"Oye," Shouted a voice from behind, Jack looked around, there was no one there. 

"Am I hearing things?" Looking around some more, hearing footsteps behind him, Jack turned. Nothing, turned again, nothing. The only sound he heard was teeth ripping grass out of the ground. Then a tap on his shoulder made his skin crawl, turning. Wack. Jack landed on the ground, punched in the nose, looking up he saw, Fremde. 

"What was that for?" Jack exclaimed.

"You need to pay attention, anyone can sneak up on you," said Fremde confidently, "That's your next lesson."

"Not letting people sneak up on me?" said Jack turning his head up to drain the blood.

"In part, seeing danger coming before it happens." Fremde took an offensive stance, his feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart, hands up and loosely held, not quite fists, not quite chops either, Fremde had that strange look that told Jack this lesson was one of the more difficult ones, his eyes were narrow as he grinned wickedly at Jack, Yeah this was going to be a hard lesson.

Moments later Fremde was blind folded in the field, as Jack snuck up on him, stick in hand, ready to  strike.

Jack charged the Fremde swinging the stick like a club and the old man ducked under the stick in one swift motion, swinging his leg at the back of Jack's knees. flying through the air Jack landed on his back the wind knocked out of him. Jack stood back on his feet holding the stick out, Fremde, with the blindfold still over his eyes, "Good lad, back on your feet."

It frustrated Jack how the old man could do that. Jack swung his stick again, like a sword this time, Fremde parried with his off hand, knocking the stick-sword back, Jack struck again, but only hitting air, Fremde dodged behind the stick, and slapped Jack in the face. 

"How is this teaching me to see danger before it happens?" Jack asked frustrated.

Fremde chuckled, as he disarmed Jack, slapping him backward. "Boy if you are going to announce your presence while we are training, then you won't learn anything."

Jack stood his nose flaring, and brow furrowed, "What am I learning, WHAT AM I LEARNING?!?" 

Fremde slapped Jack's face with the stick, "In order to see danger coming, you must become the danger that comes, in order to see the monster in the dark, you must become that monster in the shadows, once you know how to take a city, you can be more equipped to protect your walls, and lands."

"What does that even mean, Become darkness to defeat darkness?"

"Do you want to be a hero?" asked Fremde

"I want to protect my home, a hero is a knight or a king or a mage, not a farmer." 

"Not all who wear shining fancy armor are heroes, and most who wield magic are corrupt, some of my favorite heroes are farmers, and I know of a king who was once a carpenter's son, understand that not all will be or ever has been what it seems, life is more beautiful than that."

Jack stood silently, pondering the wise man's words, "Sir..."

"Yes, son?"

Jack cleared his throat awkwardly, "What is your name?" Jack stammered, "I always call you Fremde, because no one knows where you come from, nor cares who you are, but I want to know who are you?"

The old man chuckled, "Well boy, you can say that my name is..." He never got to finish, as he spoke a spear blade protruded out of his chest as Jack jumped back, eyes wide and heart racing, "Sir?"

The old man looked down absent minded as he fell over, blood pouring from the corner of his mouth, Jack caught him before he hit the ground, he pulled the spear out of the mans chest. Looking up Jack saw giants, Giants? His mind raced as he saw a ditch close by. Sliding on the ground with Fremde on his back Jack crawled to the ditch laying back holding the old man who was bleeding out. "J-J....a...c..k..."


The pounding of distant thunder could be heard, or was it their footsteps, Jack peered up over the ridge, to see the giants standing at least a full oaks length tall, their heads shaved, and their beards thick and long, they wore simple leather armor. Jack remembered back to the night before, Nimue said that the giants would return, but he didn't know if it was a dream. This is real! The giants of myth and legend had returned, and they came back with a vengeance.

"J...a...c...k..." Jack looked down, as the old man's eyes faded, the old man who had been like a father to him, more than his 'true' Father ever was. 

"Fremde?" Jack asked, hope for his survival rising, "What is it?"

"You.........asked............my.............name...........I........must..........tell ........you..before......" 


Fremde let out a chuckle, that was more of a cough, "Don't....be...s-stupid......boy."

Tears filled Jack's eyes as he held the old man close, "Don't die, please don't die on me..."

"My name....is....Lancelot...."

Jack's eyes perked up, "Lancelot... You?"

Lancelot the old smiled, as his eyes faded, speaking his last breath, "You must save your brother Jack...." Lancelot's voice strained as he gripped on to life to tell Jack one last secret before he faded from this realm, from his vessel, "Jack your....f-father is not....the farmer, you....and......your brother are sons.......of.........The king."

Jack blinked, "W....WHAT?!?" Jack stammered, his breath quickening as his mind raced with this new information, thinking of the farmer who raised him and fed him, the man who beat him, and belittled him, the man who favored his older brother, Dredmur over him. Dredmur, the liar and the cheat, there is not saving that.

Jack sat in the ditch deep in thought until he could hear the cries from the cattle, from  the village, the laughter from the giants, from the thunder, and the old man who taught him how to fight, who taught him the difference between right and wrong, lying dead in his arms, Jack's blood boiled as he laid Lancelot to rest pulling his hunting knife from his sheath, and stood from the ditch, as a giant wielding his fathers pickaxe, the pickaxe that had his father's, well not his father, the symbol of the family the old farmer belonged to, Jack looked up knife in hand as he charged the giant.

© Copyright Tailspinners Ink all rights reserved 2024

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Slated Projects

Upcoming Projects on Talespinner's Ink

I have several exciting projects in the works and want to share updates on what’s coming to the blog in the next few months:

Mage Slayer Series

  • Part 3: Releasing December 31, 2024
  • Part 4: Coming January 7, 2025
  • Part 5: Slated for February 24, 2025

DnD-Inspired Stories

  • Lost Son: A backstory for one of my DnD campaign characters, releases February 4, 2025.

Epic Fantasy Spin-Offs

  • The Fall of Sero: Releases January 14, 2025.
    This short story explores the fall of Sero, a celestial griffin from the world of Arondor, as he transforms into a dragon. The loss of his inner flame causes his feathers to turn into scales, and his fire becomes a breath of cold destruction.

  • Suffering Servant: Coming February 4, 2025.
    This is a stand-alone story about a young Jesus, distinct from my DnD campaign.

Projects Without Set Release Dates

Tera Panthera

An action-packed tale of anthropomorphic lion gladiators. In this world, wars are decided in the arena through gladiatorial combat between kings. The story follows Kion, the son of a defeated king, as he challenges this brutal tradition and fights to end the cycle of violence.

Blessed Child

This trilogy follows Abner, the red-haired ancestor of the Yahra'Haba people. Abandoned by his tribe due to superstition, he is raised by panthers and later called by Eloh to challenge his people's elders, offering them a chance to return to the truth.


A sci-fi story set in a world with robot police and human-AI hybrid programs that promise immortality. The protagonist, Benjamin Carter, uncovers a dark secret at Imortex that forces him to question his morality.

Future Releases

  • Confessions of a Time-Traveling Serial Killer: This story is slated for publication in the Badelynge Review (tentatively May 2025). I’ll release it on the blog after its debut in the magazine.

  • Time-Travel Romance: Inspired by Vikings, this story follows William Norman, a descendant of Rolf of Normandy, who is accidentally transported to the Viking Age. With awkward charm, he helps Rolf navigate courtship and politics, ensuring history stays on course.

My Epic Fantasy Series

The cornerstone of my writing, this epic fantasy series, is still years away (expect the first book in about five years). The story centers on Ari Griff Yahra'Aslan Cameron, a young man born of a political marriage, who must navigate the conflicting loyalties of his dual heritage and lead his people against the oppressive Septuni Imperium.

Side Projects

  • Cult Hunter: A thrilling series about a government agent who infiltrates and takes down dangerous cults.
  • Action with Heart: I enjoy writing stories full of action and violence. While the characters may not seem "Christ-like" on the surface, the underlying messages are deeply biblical and explore themes of redemption, justice, and morality.

Writing Tips & Inspirations

I draw inspiration from many sources, including writers like George R.R. Martin (for character depth), Brandon Sanderson for worldbuilding and story depth, Ted Dekker for a modern Christian perspective, who balances story with the message, and video essays on writing craft. Some YouTube channels I recommend for aspiring writers are:

  • Hello Future Me (worldbuilding)
  • Just Write (Storytelling)
  • Brandon McNulty (Storytelling)
  • Lessons from the Screenplay (Storytelling)
  • Abbie Emmons (Storytelling)
  • Jenna Moreci (Storytelling)

Keep going keep reading, keep writing, keep it up!

New Name Same Purpose

 So coming up with a title for a short story or a story in general is difficult. I have several unnamed projects, that I don't know how to name them, in fact one just called Emulate because I cane think of a name yet, the plot is about the future when mind uploads are possible and its the same basic concept of what makes us human, and I wanted to use this to ask questions about the After life and mind uploads from a Christian perspective. what makes a soul.

Anyway, I struggled with calling this blog Freedom's Quill, because its not a patriotic news thing its got my short stories in it, i mean it has some patriotism, but not enough to call it Freedom's Quill. So I got on Chat GPT and I was typing out my ideas because Chat GPT helps me organize my thoughts, like my worldbuilding for Ameloth (DnD) and Arondor (Epic fantasy series, also DnD but later). So typing away my thoughts on the direction of this project that I am till figuring out how to manage, the name Tailspinner's Ink came tomy focus and I loved it. It gives the sense of the types of stories that I always loved as a child and the reason why I got into writing in the first place. It gives this Adventures in Odessy vibe, or the Tailspin vibe. Those old 90's to early 2000's tv shows that I grew up on and loved, those same types of stories that I wanted to write. I also have an AI generated logo. I am not setting it up yet until I can create a logo by hand or hire someone to do so, but this is the basic concept. 

This image was generated by DALLE AI

I liked the eagle and the quill with a flow design, and this is the basic concept of the logo for this blog going forward. I am also going to work on some Advertisements to get this blog out there. 

I see a lot of writers have their website be (writername.com or .org) and that always seemed weird to me, so I just went with a blog format and had a name, because my heart is I want my stories to out last my name and glorify Jesus. 

Thursday, December 19, 2024

You are not alone


I have taken my stand,

I have planted my fields,

I am not moving,

What I do,

I do for you.


Where are you God?

What are you doing?


Are you asleep?

Are you using the latrine?

Are you on vacation?


Where are you God?

Have I lost you?


What did I do to lose you?

Where are you God?


I am on the run,

I can’t keep up,

I am all alone.

What do I do God?


You left me alone!

I stood your ground,

I fought your fight


Your people,


They rebelled against you,

They tore down your altars,

They killed your prophets,

I alone am left,


A pitiful fragment of a once great nation,

And I am all alone,

Where are you?


Go and restore, son.

Anoint the next generation,

Kings and prophets you will find,

A successor I will give you,


Why am I alone, Lord?


My son,

I have not left you alone,

I always reserve a remnant,


There are seven thousand in Israel,


Seven thousand who have not bowed the knee to Baal,

Seven thousand who have not kissed him,

Seven thousand strong,


You see now,

I never left you alone.


This poem was inspired by 1 Kings 19

Where are you, Dad?

Surrounded by fear,

Engulfed by flames,

Crying out for help,

But no help arrives.


I cried to you for help before and you came,

Where are you now?


I called to you for help,

Yet you have not come to my aid.


I am empty,

I have nothing else to give,

I fall down to my death,

My bones are on display,


But you are not far from me,

You have returned to save me,

You have saved me from their wrath.

You have brought me back into hope.

This poem is inspired by Psalm 22

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

The Seed


Walking to my death,

All I want to do is give up,


Stop trying,

Stop striving,

Stop giving,


I keep walking to the end of my life,

I see the edge,

Ready to jump off,


Before I leap into the abyss,

I see a seed,


A seed with potential,

A seed with purpose,

A seed with destiny,


I want to end my suffering,

I want to leave this life,

But as I look at the seed,

I hear the voice,

You are not done yet.


I don’t feel like continuing.

You still have purpose,

What do I do?

Don’t give up.


The seed falls from my hand,

Closing my eyes,

I follow the seed.


As I descend,

Memories flood my mind,

I think of the good times,

I think of the bad,


As I return to hope,

I am caught on a tree branch.


Why does my hope elude me?

Why do I wait and want for nothing?

Why does my every joy leave me?


I lie and wait,

No one comes,

Terror of loneliness assaults me daily,


Oh my hope where are you.

Can you hear me?

What did I do to lose you?

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Mage Slayer part 2: The Calling

 Jack stood in the forest dumbfounded looking at the woman who glowed in the dark, so many questions ran through his mind beginning with, "Who are you?"

She smiled, "I am Nimue, and you have been chosen to fight the one whom The Balor has chosen, it has been prophesied that the giants would return."

Jack looked down, "But I'm not a hero, I'm not a knight. You chose the wrong person for this task."Nimue smiled, pointing at the bear, Jack looked, "Okay yeah I can handle myself against a wild animal, but I'm not a knight, my brother is, he's the one you're looking for."

"Your brother is the one the Balor has chosen to fight. It is your duty and responsibility to answer the call and defeat him." Jack spinned, "What is The Balor, and why did he choose my brother, and why must I fight him?"

Nimue's smile faltered as the air around them shifted, the ground beneath their feet cracked and crumbled as Jack stumbled the world around them changed, "what is this?" Jack asked as he saw...other beings around them fighting, he wouldn't be able to describe what he saw even if he wanted to, but they were beings made of light and darkness blasting each other with fire and force, as the conflict escalated. 

"This is the war that wages every second in the unseen, as you sleep in your bed, Jack. In ancient times there was one, and that one created the celestials, out of nothing." She paused as Jack soaked it in, she looked at Jack as she said, "Then the one created man, and a celestial, WHO SHALL NOT BE NAMED, corrupted man. Teaching him magic, mingling human and celestial seed, creating the abominating giants that you read about in your legends." 

"And now he wishes to take my brother..." Jack said fully understanding.

Nimue interjected, "Originally his mistress intended to take you."

"Me?" Jack exclaimed, "WAIT...Mistress?"

Nimue looks away dismissively, "it doesn't matter, the enemy forces have chosen your brother to replace their mistress as their mage." 

"I'm not a hero, I can't fight a mage, let alone my older brother, I have no magic, and I can't fight giants, I'm just a farm boy." 

Nimue chuckled as she shifted them back to Jack's reality, "you sound just like Arthur, when he was your age, he didn't think that he could be a king, let alone the king over Camelot."

Jack looked up.

Nimue smiled gracefully and curtsied, "At your service young sir, Jack the Giant slayer."

Jack exclaimed, "I'm not a giant slayer, nor a mage Slayer, get that through your thick...." 

Jack noticed that she was translucent, "Or...translucent...skull...head...I don't know, I'm not THE MAGE SLAYER!"

Jack left in a huff back to the barn, as Nimue stood, fading from our realm, her voice like a faint echo, "But you are Jack, Jack the Giant killer."

In Fengar Castle inn, Dredmur slumbered peacefully as Morgan stood above him, the moonlight barely illuminating her figure, her hair glowed as her hand floated over his head leaving him in a trance as she practiced her dark magic on his mind, she strained as she pushed farther into his mind. A dark mist flooded the room, as it clumped together to form the figure of a man as she started, "It is only me, dear daughter." The figure said, his voice echoed in a high pitch tone, of course only she could hear it, being half celestial herself.

She straightened her stance as she masked her unease. The figure creped forward leaning over Dredmur, as he pulled his eyelid open. "This one has a strong will, no wonder why you can't talk, if you are concentrating hard enough."
Morgan grimaced, "Of... course, I... Am..."

The figure chuckled, "Don't talk dear, you'll wake him with your sound. Does he know his mission yet?"

Morgan shook her head, her neck muscles straining as she concentrated, The figure said, "We do not have much time dear, the One has already moved on their progeny, we must make progress on ours."

Morgan strained, "He... is... mine to con...control."

The figure recoiled, "He is the master's to control, not yours, don't forget your purpose."

She strained, remembering her punishment for failing the last time, she knew the cost. Yet, why did she still plan her own way? "Stop thinking and finish your mission, child!" The mist, now a deep fog floated around them, "Don't let your ambitions exceed your abilities, you will not survive the next failure."

Morgan grimaced as she pushed herself deeper into Dredmur's mind, she was in? She made it, now his mind was hers to command. Her father smiled... was that a smile? It looked like an emotion that mirrored happiness. Dredmur woke from his slumber, as a light flooded the room, the creature that spoke to Morgan shrieked, "Sunlight, I must leave," He began to fade from the realm, "Don't fail this time daughter, don't fail."

Morgan cupped Dredmur's face in her hands as he sat up, "Did you sleep well, my love?" she asked her voice now soft and gentle.

Dredmur smiled, "I always do when you're close by."

Morgan kissed him this time her lips moving over his like a Cheeta pouncing a gazelle. She would make him do what she wanted, kill who she needed dead and there was nothing anyone could do about it.

She pulled back from the kiss, "There is something I need you to do for me, Mordred."

Dredmur's eyes changed color, from green to red. Mordred took over, grinning, he said, "Yes mistress anything."

Morgana smiled.

© Copyright Tailspinners Ink all rights reserved 2024

Jaakan's hate

Jaakan and Jud'la stood in the courtyard, their movements accompanied by the crackling sound of the fire. The torches nearby flickered, casting dancing shadows on the ground. As Jaakan manipulated the flames effortlessly, the courtyard was bathed in a warm, golden glow, pushing back the surrounding darkness. 

Suddenly, Jud'la's fist struck Jaakan's chest with force, causing him to stumble and lose his balance. "Well done, my young student," Jud'la praised, his voice resonating in the quiet night. "But remember, true strength lies not only in power. What did I teach you on the very first day?" 

Jaakan's voice trembled slightly as he replied, "True strength comes from Eloh becoming your strength, Shimori Jud'la." The words hung in the air, mingling with the scent of burning wood and the faint aroma of sweat. 

Impressed, Jud'la circled around Jaakan, his footsteps barely audible on the stone ground. He stopped in front of Jaakan, who kept his head respectfully bowed. "Tell me, what is your purpose?" Jud'la inquired, his voice filled with curiosity. 

"To perfect my technique, to become the perfect Shimori," Jaakan responded with determination. "And to rid my world of darkness." The words carried a hint of urgency, like a flame yearning to consume the darkness. 

"Rid the world of darkness," Jud'la repeated, his voice resolute as he locked eyes with Jaakan. The weight of his gaze sent a shiver down Jaakan's spine. "And how do we achieve this?" 

Jaakan's gaze lifted towards the sky, his eyes filled with unwavering confidence. "The key is to maintain purity, untainted by any mixture or dilution, by staying connected to the Yah," he declared. The cool night air brushed against his skin, heightening his senses and strengthening his resolve. 

Jud'la's gaze held a mixture of pride and certainty as he spoke softly, "When the Malik'Aram comes, I pray that he discovers his servants as devoted as you, my student." Jaakan felt a surge of gratitude and respect, his heart swelling with a sense of purpose. 

"Thank you, Shimori," Jaakan whispered, his voice filled with gratitude and determination. 

As Jaakan strode confidently across the cobblestone courtyard, a palpable tension filled the air. The piercing gaze of the Septuni Soldiers bore into him, their presence looming tall and imposing. Their polished armor emitted a faint glow, casting an eerie light in the darkness. Undeterred, Jaakan's determination burned fiercely in his eyes as he pressed on towards the Governor's quarters. 

Entering the opulent palace, the cacophony of enraged voices and the clinking of armor assaulted his ears, creating a symphony of discord. General Rufis, breaking away from his meeting with Jaakan's father, raised his head and turned to face him. Governor Zamiel, weariness etched on his face, "Son, You're home early." 

With a stern gaze, Rufis peered down at Jaakan, his voice dripping with condescension, "Is that your heir?" 

Zamiel, his fatigue evident, confirmed, "Yes, that's my son." 

Rufus, leaning in closer, taunted him, "I hope you're as weak-willed as your father, boy." 

Jaakan, refusing to be belittled, defiantly looked up, "You have no right to talk about my father in such a manner!" 

The tension in the room escalated, prompting Zamiel to interject, "Jaakan please…" 

Jaakan interrupted, "No father, who do they think they are coming here and taking our home, our workers, our crops, our panthers," the anger built in his voice, "Our firstborn! We aren't like you Ithori mangelodites, we value our firstborn" 

Zamiel, now enraged, shouted, "Zamiel!" 

Rufus chuckled, his laughter echoing in the air, "Kids got more stones than you, Barfos, for your sake I hope he doesn't become the next Governor, because I'd love to make an example out of this one or face him on the battlefield." 

Jaakan looked up at Rufus, his eyes blazing with defiance. "You won't get the chance, Ithori." 

Walking out, Rufus couldn't help but break into a wide smile. 

© Copyright Tailspinners Ink and Dustin Cooley all rights reserved 2024

Fall of Sero

  With cautious anticipation, he opened the book, and a radiant light burst forth, filling the surroundings with its brilliance. The surrou...